Welcome to Loved at School!

I can’t do anything about the recent deadly attack at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida where 17 students were killed.

I can’t do anything about the gun laws in our country except write my congressional representatives, which I have done.

I can’t do anything about the next (hopefully I’m wrong) deadly attack that will happen at an unsuspecting school because I don’t know when, where, or how it will happen or by whom.

But I CAN DO SOMETHING right away to show our wonderful kids and young people at schools that they are loved and admired.  I can arrange with the proper authorities to go to their schools  and show them some extra love by surprising them with gifts.  I want students to not fear going to school; I want students to be excited to go to school because they might get showered with some extra blessings while they are there.

That’s what I am going to do.  And you can help.

You can help in this effort by making a donation which will be used to buy gift cards, treats, prizes and other fun items for the students.  Show the students in our country that you love them too.

Don’t sit idly by and talk about what a scary world it is; get involved now and help swing the pendulum towards love and away from hate.  These kids deserve it!

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