Joseph Cook Elementary school is our first project!


A fundraising effort for Joseph Cook Elementary school in Syracuse, Utah is our first project!  Joseph Cook is my grandfather.  Hence, we’re focusing on his school for our first project.

Joseph Cook Elementary
A wonderful grandpa and man! Cook Elementary in Syracuse, Utah, is named after him.

First of all, we are raising money for some new playground tables and chairs for Joseph Cook Elementary in Syracuse, Utah!  Family members are contributing funds for the next 30 days.

While all kids love recess, they don’t all participate in it in the same way.  Children can use these tables and chairs at recess.  Like the principal says, “Not every child wants to play dodge ball or soccer at recess.  Some kids want to sit down and play board games or Pokemon with their friends, read a book, or draw.  We don’t have any tables and chairs for them to do that.”

Well, hopefully soon they will have those accessories.

So we set up an account at Go Fund Me also!  This account helps raise additional funds because we want to extend the opportunity to participate beyond the family members.

In conclusion, our goal is raising $7,800 in the next 30 days.  So visit this link if you want to contribute:

Finally, I love this logo from Joseph Cook Elementary.  It’s a happy place!

Joseph Cook Elementary
A wonderful school where kids have fun!