Well, it happened again, this time at Great Mills High School in Saint Mary’s, Maryland.  I wish just the opposite was happening!

So only a month after the Parkland, Florida shootings where 17 innocent people lost their lives, yesterday it happened in my home state of Maryland.  Two people were injured and the gunman was killed in an attack at Great Mills High School in St. Mary’s County.

Washington Post Coverage

It’s attacks like these that I’m trying to counteract by establishing

Consequently, today I placed my first order of Georgetown Cupcakes for a

Georgetown Cupcakes to the rescue!
Georgetown Cupcakes is a great way to show some love to the students at Great Mills High School!

school out West named after my grandfather.  Rather than dwell on the bad things that just happened, I’d just as soon do something nice for a school instead.  See a photo of those awesome cupcakes here before they are shipped!

We’ve also started our first fundraising effort to provide some tables and chairs for students to use at recess at a particular school.  Not every kid likes to play kickball or run around during their break.  Some like to read, sit down and draw, play Pokemon cards with their friends, or just relax.

The school we’re working with doesn’t have any outdoor equipment like that.  It’s a fun effort to reach out to my family members in an effort to raise a few dollars for the school.  See our progress here on this site as we go along.

Great Mills High School Needs Some More Love

In the meantime, if you want to do something to counteract the violence that is happening in our nation’s schools, make a donation to Loved at School.  That money does unsuspecting nice things for some unsuspecting nice students around the country.  You can make a donation at

We invite you to remember those affected by the violence that happened yesterday in St. Mary’s, Maryland.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by it.  Maybe by focusing on love more than hate, we will turn around this horrible violent path we are on.



Meet my grandpa Joseph Cook of Syracuse, Utah.  He was a life-long educator who loves kids.  That’s me, sitting on his lap on his beloved farm.  I was always at peace whenever I could sit on his lap, even in church!

Grandpa Cook was an outstanding man!
Me and my wonderful grandpa, Joseph Cook, of Syracuse, Utah!

He loved kids,  particularly his grandkids, of which I am one.  No one could ask for a finer grandpa!

Joseph loved education too.  Because of that, he was a life-long teacher.  His accomplishments in the field of education are legendary in his hometown.

An elementary school carries his name!  He always enjoyed working with students while he was the principal of a local high school, because he inspires them!

A plaque displays these words below his picture:

“There is an old saying, ‘Keep ahead of youth or get run over.’  I believe it.  George Bernard Shaw said, “Youth is a wonderful thing; it’s too bad young people have all of it.”  Most of my cherished experiences have happened while working with youth.  They are and should be the hope of civilization.”

Honoring his legacy pleases me.  Honoring the legacy of his son (my father),  Alan D. Cook, pleases me too.  My dad taught religion and philosophy at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, for many years.  While there, he made a major impact on his students.  I know, because I was one of them!

I carry both of their names.  Therefore, I am interested to do what I can to show the youth of our country, via their schools, that they are loved and admired.  That is what my grandpa would do.  My father would do the same.

I believe that many of my cherished experiences will happen in the future while working with youth through their schools.  That’s something I can do now.

Check out the school by visiting their website here:

For a history of Joseph Cook Elementary, visit here: