Define It
A mission is an individual assignment that usually involves travel.
Our first mission is to visit an elementary school in the Rocky Mountains. While there, we will share some love with the students and the faculty.
Our next mission is to send some customized Loved at School cupcakes to a school that one member of my family works at.
Another mission is to share some love with the students at a high school that my grandfather was the principal at.
Loved at School seeks to take away the fear students may have of going to school. We want to teach kids through our actions that spontaneously good things can also happen to you at school.
Students should go to school because they have faith that good things will happen. We do not want them going to school because they have fear. We believe “…love casteth out all fear.” (Moroni 8:16)
Rather than talk about the bad things that just happened, we would rather be busy doing good things and giving people the exact opposite to talk about.
A Mission to the Teachers As Well
Our purpose also extends beyond the students. Faculty members and staff also need some extra love. We appreciate the effort they extend to make a child’s school experience rewarding.
It is often said that teachers are underpaid. They consistently work beyond their hours at the school to effectively do their job. We appreciate that effort. We want to do a small part to recognize and reward that effort.
We invite you to join us in this wonderful adventure. If you know of schools that could use some extra love around the country, please contact us and let us know. The task is a big one and will never be fully accomplished, but every little bit of love helps.