Whom Should We Visit?

This page will contain a list of schools visited as well as videos and blog comments about those schools.  It should be a growing list!

Scera Park Elementary. A school I'd like to add to our schools visited list!
My elementary school for 5th & 6th grades! I loved this school!


Schools Visited in My Life

What schools have you visited in your life?  My list is:

  1. Juaquin Elementary, Provo, Utah.
  2. BYU Lab School
  3. Scera Park Elementary School
  4. Lincoln Jr. High School
  5. Orem High School
  6. Brigham Young University
  7. Kansas State University
  8. Columbia University
  9. Concord Law School
  10. Travilah Elementary School
  11. Robert Frost Middle School
  12. Thomas Wooton High School
  13. Royal Central School of Drama
  14. Southern Virginia University